Celestin Apprentice 5
Source Code
Python 1.3.3
Python 133 PPC
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Text File
318 lines
# WWW protocol interface
# Default home page
WWW_HOME = 'http://info.cern.ch:80/default.html'
# Exception raised when an address leads nowhere
BadAddress = 'wwwlib.BadAddress'
# Parse an "anchoraddr", return (scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor)
# Note that search and anchor *include* the leading '?' or '#',
# but host and port don't include the leading '//' or ':' and scheme
# excludes the trailing ':'.
# (Some address forms don't support all parts, and some have
# additional parts; yet this does something useful for all formats.)
import regex
schemeprog = regex.compile('^[^/:?#]*:')
hostportprog = regex.compile('//[^/:?#]*\(:[0-9]*\)?')
portprog = regex.compile(':[0-9]*')
searchprog = regex.compile('\?[^#]*')
anchorprog = regex.compile('#.*')
def parse_addr(anchoraddr):
i = anchorprog.search(anchoraddr)
if i >= 0:
anchor = anchoraddr[i:]
docaddr = anchoraddr[:i]
anchor = ''
docaddr = anchoraddr
i = schemeprog.match(docaddr)
if i >= 0:
scheme = docaddr[:i-1]
path = docaddr[i:]
scheme = ''
path = docaddr
if path[:2] == '//':
i = hostportprog.match(path)
hostport = path[2:i]
path = path[i:]
hostport = ''
i = portprog.search(hostport)
if i >= 0:
host = hostport[:i]
port = hostport[i+1:]
host = hostport
port = ''
i = searchprog.search(path)
if i >= 0:
search = path[i:]
path = path[:i]
search = ''
return scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor
# Convert a (scheme, ..., anchor) tuple back into an address string
def unparse_addr(scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor):
a = ''
if scheme:
a = a + scheme + ':'
if host or port:
a = a + '//' + host
if port:
a = a + ':' + port
if path and path[0] <> '/':
a = a + '/'
a = a + path
if search:
if search[0] <> '?':
search = '?' + search
a = a + search
if anchor:
if anchor[0] <> '#':
anchor = '#' + anchor
a = a + anchor
return a
# Turn a relative address into a full address given the parent's address
def full_addr(parent, addr, *isindex):
pscheme, phost, pport, ppath, psearch, panchor = parse_addr(parent)
if not pscheme: pscheme = 'file'
if phost[-1:] == '.': phost = phost[:-1]
if pscheme == 'http' and pport in ('80', '2784') or pscheme == 'file':
pport = '' # XXX
scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor = parse_addr(addr)
if not scheme: scheme = pscheme
if scheme == pscheme:
if not host:
host = phost
if not port: port = pport
if host[-1:] == '.':
host = host[:-1]
if not path:
path = ppath
elif path[0] <> '/' and '/' in ppath:
import posixpath
i = len(ppath)
while i > 0 and ppath[i-1] <> '/':
i = i-1
path = ppath[:i] + path
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
if scheme == 'http' and port in ('80', '2784'): port = '' # XXX
full = unparse_addr(scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor)
return full
# Get a document, given its (full) address
# (XXX This doesn't support the full range of address schemes yet,
# and of course the "telnet" scheme needs special treatment anyway.)
def get_document(addr):
scheme, host, port, path, search, anchor = parse_addr(addr)
if scheme == 'http':
import httplib, socket, string
if port:
port = string.atoi(port)
except string.atoi_error:
raise BadAddress, 'bad port number'
if search:
if search[0] <> '?':
search = '?' + search
path = path + search
data = httplib.get_htmlfile(host, port, path)
except socket.error, msg:
if type(msg) <> type(''): msg = `msg`
raise BadAddress, msg
# Interpret a short single-line document with no tags
# as an error message
if len(data) <= 100 and '<' not in data and \
'\n' not in data[:-1]:
if data[-2:] == '\r\n': data = data[:-2]
elif data[-1:] == '\n': data = data[:-1]
raise BadAddress, data
return data
if (scheme == 'file' or scheme == 'ftp' or scheme == ''):
import socket
isdir = 0
if host <> '' and socket.gethostbyname(host) <> \
import ftplib
class C:
def add(self, x):
self.data = self.data + (x + '\n')
x = C()
x.data = ''
ftp = ftplib.FTP(host)
except ftplib.all_errors:
raise BadAddress, \
'ftp connect to ' + host + ' failed'
ftp.login() # user anonymous, passwd user@host
except ftplib.all_errors:
raise BadAddress, \
'ftp login on ' + host + ' failed'
# First try retrieving as a file, then listing
# as a directory
ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + path, x.add)
data = x.data
except ftplib.error_perm:
ftp.voidcmd('CWD ' + path)
names = ftp.nlst()
except ftplib.all_errors:
raise BadAddress, \
'ftp can\'t find ' + path + \
' on ' + host
data = names_to_html(host, path, names, 0)
isdir = 1
except ftplib.all_errors:
raise BadAddress, \
'ftp retrieve ' + path + ' from ' + \
host + ' failed'
import os
if os.path.isdir(path):
names = os.listdir(path)
if os.curdir in names: names.remove(os.curdir)
if os.pardir in names: names.remove(os.pardir)
data = names_to_html(host, path, names, 1)
isdir = 1
data = open(path, 'r').read()
except IOError, msg:
raise BadAddress, \
'can\'t open local file ' + \
`path` + ' : ' + `msg`
if not isdir and path[-5:] <> '.html':
data = '<PLAINTEXT>\n' + data
return data
if scheme == 'gopher':
import string
import gopherlib
if len(path) >= 2 and path[0] == '/':
gtype = path[1]
selector = path[2:]
selector = ''
gtype = gopherlib.A_DIRECTORY
# Convert '%' escapes in selectors
while '%' in selector:
i = string.index(selector, '%')
xx = selector[i+1:i+3]
n = eval('0x' + xx)
c = chr(n)
c = ''
selector = selector[:i] + c + selector[i+3:]
if gtype == gopherlib.A_FILE:
f = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host, port)
lines = gopherlib.get_textfile(f)
data = string.joinfields(lines, '\n')
return '<PLAINTEXT>\n' + data
if gtype == gopherlib.A_DIRECTORY:
f = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host, port)
directory = gopherlib.get_directory(f)
return gopher_to_html(directory)
if gtype == gopherlib.A_HTML:
f = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host, port)
lines = gopherlib.get_textfile(f)
data = string.joinfields(lines, '\n')
return data
if gtype == gopherlib.A_INDEX:
if not search:
return '<ISINDEX>\n' + \
'<TITLE>Gopher index</TITLE>\n' + \
'<H1>Enter search keywords</H1>\n'
words = string.splitfields(search, '+')
selector = selector + '\t' + string.join(words)
f = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host, port)
directory = gopherlib.get_directory(f)
return gopher_to_html(directory)
raise BadAddress, 'unsupported gopher type ' + `gtype`
raise BadAddress, 'unsupported scheme ' + `scheme`
# Convert a Gopher directory to HTML
def gopher_to_html(directory):
import string
import gopherlib
data = '<TITLE>Gopher menu</TITLE>\n<H1>Gopher menu</H1>\n<UL>\n'
for item in directory:
[gtype, userstring, selector, host, port] = item[:5]
if gtype == gopherlib.A_ERROR:
text = '<LI>' + userstring + '\n'
# Convert spaces in selectors to '%' escapes
i = 0
while i < len(selector):
c = selector[i]
if c in ' <>&?#%':
c = '%' + hex(0x100|ord(c))[-2:]
selector = selector[:i] + c + \
i = i + len(c)
text = '<LI><A HREF=gopher://' + host + ':' + port + \
'/' + gtype + selector + '>' + \
userstring + '</A>\n'
typestr = gopherlib.type_to_name(gtype)
text = text + typestr + '\n'
data = data + text
data = data + '</UL>\n'
return data
# Convert a unix directory listing to HTML
def names_to_html(host, path, names, local):
import string, os
prefix = '<LI><A HREF=file:'
if host:
prefix = prefix + '//' + host
if path[:1] <> '/': path = '/' + path
if not path: path = '.'
if host: header = 'Directory ' + path + ' on ' + host
else: header = 'Local directory ' + path
data = '<H1>' + header + '</H1>\n<DIR COMPACT>\n'
if path[-1:] <> '/': path = path + '/'
if path not in ('/', './'):
dirname = os.path.normpath(path + '../')
text = prefix + dirname + '>../</A>\n'
data = data + text
prefix = prefix + path
for name in names:
if local and os.path.isdir(path + name):
name = name + '/'
text = prefix + name + '>' + name + '</A>\n'
data = data + text
data = data + '</DIR>'
return data
# Main program for simple testing
def test():
import sys
if not sys.argv[1:]:
for path in sys.argv[1:]:
print get_document(path)